Friday, November 6, 2009

Ticket for dog biting

Police ticketed dog owner, Gordy Jamison, Thursday after his mixed Chow bit a 6-year-old child around the ear and neck. Just last year, Jamison’s dog was quarantined for 10 days after biting another small child. This time, however, after Midville Police Department officers issued Jamison his second citation for having a vicious dog, they were the ones barking, “Bite me!”

Read more here.
School system restaurant

After a decade of running The Eatery on State Street, where special-education students came during the school day to work and learn about the food-service industry, the Ticonderoga County school system has decided to close the restaurant. Although The Eatery served as a conveniently located restaurant for the past three years, the school system’s decision to remove itself from the restaurant business is certainly practical, as savings are expected to amount to $20,000 to $50,000 a year. The restaurant business is a brutal one, as very few people are able to reap the profits they strive to collect.

Read more here.
Accident at Subway Central

John Barker, 59, a resident of Roaring Creek Community, died of a heart attack today after an automobile crashed through the front window of Subway Central restaurant, where Barker was dining. The car was driven by Annie Coulter, 82, who reported that the brakes of her car failed as she swerved to avoid a pedestrian. Coulter was hurt in the accident.

Read more here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ricky Rust forced to resign as baseball coach

After playing an active role as head coach of the Ticonderoga County High School baseball team for 12 years, Ricky Rust has been forced to resign. The reason for Rust’s resignation is still uncertain, as his team’s record and district titles certainly could not have played a role in the decision. As Rust said, “Everything happens for a reason.”

To learn about the various aspects that contribute to quality coaching in baseball, visit this link.

Officials seek to keep Ten Commandments mounted in Ticonderoga County Courthouse

In a heated legal battle over whether or not officials should be allowed to keep the Ten Commandments mounted in the Ticonderoga County Courthouse both sides must focus on who is truly being affected by this predicament. Is it John O’Kelly or is it God? Is O’Kelly ignoring the words before him: “Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor?”

To learn about a person's right to sue for personal injury, visit Harris&Graves Personal Injury Attorneys.

Residents of Elizabeth City vote for proper allocation of public funds

Residents of Elizabeth City will be asked on the June 5 ballot whether they approve of using public funds for a downtown hotel and convention center. The sole reason the Ticonderoga County Election Commission is including the referendum on the ballot is in a technical compliance with a recommendation from the state Department of Elections.

To see an example of a famous convention center, Bellevue Washington Conventions, and learn the perks of building a local center, visit this link.